Chronic wasting disease (CWD) continues to plague ungulates across the nation, resulting in changes to wildlife regulations and rules. The latest proposed change comes from South Dakota. The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission (SDGFPC) has proposed new regulations for the transportation and disposal of deer and elk carcasses—both from other states as well as specific hunting units within South Dakota that have “known endemic areas” with CWD, according to a press release.
Known CWD endemic areas are as follows:
If approved, the change would go into effect for the 2020 hunting seasons.
According to the proposal, hunters, taxidermists and game processor would be required to follow new carcass disposal protocol. Per the SDGFPC, the proposed requirements are:
Those deer and elk carcasses taken from a known South Dakota CWD endemic area that test negative for CWD from a verified test sponsored by the Department would be exempt from this disposal regulation.
Game processors licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or S.D. Animal Industry Board shall dispose of carcasses as required by the conditions associated with such license.
Within South Dakota, should you transport a whole or partial deer or elk carcass and head with antlers attached from a known CWD endemic area, you can do it if you deliver it to a licensed taxidermist, commercial processor or your home and dispose of it as described above.
If you want to move a deer or elk carcass and head with antlers into South Dakota from another state, it is only allowed if it is brought to a licensed taxidermist, game processor or home and disposed of as described above. Per SDGFPC, “whole or partial deer or elk carcasses and head with antlers only traveling through South Dakota are exempt from this regulation.”
If you want to weigh in on the proposed change, you can attend the public hearing on Oct. 3 at 2 p.m. CT at the AmericInn in Chamberlain or submit a comment online at gfp.sd.gov/forms/positions.
Deer Hunting Units: CUD-CU1, BHD-BH1, BHD-BD1, BHD-BD2, WRD-02A, WRD-21A, WRD-21B, WRD-27A, WRD-27B and WRD-27L.
Elk Hunting Units: CUE-CU1, CEE-CU1, BHE-H2, BHE-H3, BHE-H4, BHE-H5, BHE-H7, BHE-H9 and PRE-27A.
A hunter shall dispose of all remaining deer or elk carcass parts taken from another state, regardless of CWD status of the exporting state, or a known South Dakota CWD endemic area directly to or with a waste management provider that delivers to a permitted landfill when non-commercial meat processing and non-commercial taxidermy has concluded.
A wildlife processing facility shall dispose of all remaining deer or elk carcass parts taken from another state, regardless of CWD status of the exporting state, or a known South Dakota CWD endemic area directly to or with a waste management provider that delivers to a permitted landfill.
A taxidermist as defined by 41:09:11:02 shall dispose of all remaining deer or elk carcass parts taken from another state, regardless of CWD status of the exporting state, or a known South Dakota CWD endemic area directly to or with a waste management provider that delivers to a permitted landfill.