NDOW letter mailed out to hunters.
During the 2019 legislative session, Nevada adopted statutory restrictions on importing portions of harvest animals. These new regulations are to limit the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD). 40 states and seven Canadian provinces have implemented restrictions on the importation of portions of harvested deer, elk and moose that can be brought into their states. According to the Nevada Department of Wildlife, currently CWD is found in 25 states and provinces, but not in Nevada.
NDOW letter mailed out to hunters.
On April 17, Senate Bill No. 85 passed the Senate with 21-0 votes. Then it went to the assembly on May 9 and passed 29-11, it was finally approved by the Governor on May 16, 2019. You can see the full rule changes of SB 85 here.
It is now unlawful for you, your agent, or employee to knowingly bring into Nevada or possess the carcass or any part of the carcass of certain animals including, without limitation, of any elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, moose, reindeer, caribou, or fallow deer which were obtained in another state, territory or country. Or any alternative livestock or any other animal which the State Quarantine Officer has, by regulation, declared to be susceptible to chronic wasting disease and prohibited from importation into Nevada. A person who violates that prohibition is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to the payment of certain civil penalties for the violation.
So in summary, any carcass or part of the carcass of an elk, deer, moose, alternative livestock or other animals knowingly brought into or knowingly possessed in Nevada in violation of this section may be seized, destroyed or sent out of the state by a game warden or any other law enforcement officer within 48 hours. The expense of seizing, destroying or removing the carcass or part of the carcass must be paid by the person or his or her agent or employee who knowingly brought the carcass or part of the carcass into Nevada.
It is lawful for you, your agent, or employee to bring into Nevada the following parts of the carcass of any of the animals listed above:
NDOW urges hunters to please help to keep Nevada CWD free by following these regulations. For more information, you can check out a recent NDOW podcast episode on these new regulations here.
As a preventative measure in Nevada, NDOW recommends that if the deer or elk carcass is brought out of the field, the best practice to dispose of the carcass is to bury the head and spinal cord, or dispose of it an approved landfill closest to your location. Please see a list of approved landfills in your area. If you take an animal in another state, you should follow that state's CWD disposal guidelines.
No part of the spinal column, brain tissue or head attached
Antlers with meat or tissue attached to it other than velvet attached
Wrapped meat or quarters, with no part of the spinal column, brain tissue, or head attached, except that one or more bones of the legs or shoulders may be attached.
The hide or cape with no part of the spinal column, brain tissue, or head attached.
The clean skull plate with antlers attached and no brain tissue attached.
The antlers with no meat or tissue other than antler velvet attached.
The taxidermy mount with no meat or tissue other than antler velvet attached.
The upper canine teeth including, without limitation, the bugler, whistler, and ivory teeth.