West of Fort Collins along in Cache La Poudre River is the Lower Poudre River Rocky Mountain bighorn herd estimated at 40 bighorns.
In 2012, the High Park fire burned 95% of the Cache la Poudre Wilderness and a large amount of the surrounding area. Bighorn sheep can be found in most parts of this canyon and can be seen at any elevation on the rocky hills. They are also easy to spot in Cache La Poudre Canyon from Grey Rock Gulch to Sheep Mountain.
Cache La Poudre Rivers runs through the rugged Cache la Poudre River Canyon. Rocky ridges, canyon walls, open parks, rugged mountain slopes and narrow gulches is what to expect when hunting in this unit.
New growth of grass since the fire in 2012 has started to show up on ridges, along gulches and mountain slopes. Hay meadows, willows and cottonwood line most of the creek bottoms not affected by the floods or fires. Dense stands of ponderosa and lodgepole pine cover the north facing slopes.
From Fort Collins Colorado Route 14 travels west through Cache la Poudre River Canyon. A couple of roads head north and south of Colorado Route 14. County Road 27 heads south near Stove Prairie Landing and Hewlett Road travels north up Hewlett Gulch at Poudre Park. Red Feather Lakes Road on the northern boundary connects with Mt. Moran Road that leads to Horse Meadow Drive and Deer Meadow Way also heads south until it reaches Star View Way. Both roads are in the Roosevelt National Forest.
Red Feather Lakes is a mountain resort community that has a variety of motels, restaurants, gas and diesel fuel. Fort Collins is a big college city for Colorado State University.