If you held a tag in Nevada this past hunting season, you are required to turn in a harvest return card. This report is mandatory whether or not you hunted or harvested an animal. Nevada’s return cards are due by January 31, 2020.
Note: If you fail to report your hunt information, you will be suspended from applying for big game tags next year. To be reinstated, you will have to pay a $50 fine.
Filling out your Nevada return card online is very simple. Simply follow the steps below to avoid getting your account suspended.
Navigate to Nevada Department of Wildlife’s (NDOW) licensing page. Click the blue button below:
Click “Login” on the upper right part of the screen.
Then fill out your email and password and then click "Login."
Under the left side of the screen under the “My Account” section, click on the “Return Cardd and HIP” link.
On the right side, if you want to see the “Pending” items you need to submit return cards for, just have “Pending” checked.
Now you will want to click on the little dropdown arrow to the right of the year to submit a harvest report.
Now click on “TAKE SURVEY.”
Here is where you'll answer all the harvest card questions. All the questions are very simple and will only take a few minutes to complete the full survey. Once you’ve answered all the questions, click “Submit.”
Now you will see your completed survey marked as "Reported." If you need to complete any other surveys, you can do so at this time until all "Pending" surveys are completed.
Note: There is also a third status of Updated. Updated means you have "reported" your survey, but you have gone in and changed your final answers on your survey. That "Updated" status is collected at the request of NDOW biologists who want to know that people have changed their initial answer, and what exactly changed. So if you modify your answers, the status of Updated will show, but don't be alarmed as your survey is still reported and no further action is needed. The screenshot below is an example where a lucky hunter drew a desert bighorn tag, and then went in and updated their survey.
Overall, this process if very painless to complete. Remember, that all Nevada return cards need to be completed by January 31, 2020. Best of luck in the 2020 draws!